Tag: Volunteer Firefighters

Where am I?

April 5, 2018

The Oval Office in Austin?

If yesterday was about the BBQ, today was about politics, particularly the state capitol and the LBJ Presidential Library. The Austin capitol building is a beautiful, sandstone coloured and ornately sculptured monument that reflects the stature and pride of the Lone Star State. The grounds are lush, green, well shaded and feature monuments to heroes of the state. Two of these seemed special from my perspective. Along side of monuments to the heroes of the Alamo and Confederate Civil War defenders were monuments to fallen volunteer firefighters and African Americans. Given the importance of native son and President, Lyndon Baines Johnson to the civil rights movement the monument depicting the struggle of African Americans to gain freedom and equality seemed right at home. The volunteer firefighter memorial also touched a personal spot within me.

The LBJ Presidential Library is definitely worthy of an afternoon. Perhaps the 20th Century’s most misunderstood and under-credited president, LBJ changed the face of the United States during his political career. From the legacy of his Great Society Program, to Medicare, the Public Broadcasting System, the Civil Rights Act, the Wilderness Act and so much more, this man truly made America greater. It was his misfortune to be saddled with the Vietnam War, a war he could not win and from which he could not remove the United States. Without that shadow he would have very likely run and won a second term in office and be remembered in a far more flattering way.

LBJ’s teaching carreer

One new fact that I learned about the man was that he started his working life as a school teacher, teaching at an impoverished school. Many of his students came to class each day hungry with no food since a meager dinner the night before. His dedication to improving the lives of those students rang a special bell from my own life. I can not help to think that his early experiences with those children helped shape the goals that formed his Great Society Program. If you find yourself in Austin, the Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library is a must see location.