Into the Slipstream & A Great Visit

March 15, 2018

Lonely Tree

The road from Globe to Safford was mostly uneventful except for one really great thing: The prevailing winds finally prevailed and we were blessed with a 17 mph tail wind all the way between the two towns. A little rain did fall but for those of us on the road early we hardly got our helmets wet. One large cloud was hanging up on Mount Graham and stayed there for the hour or two that it was in view.

Hanging Cloud on Mt. Graham

Best part of the day was a visit by my Uncle Roy and Aunt Karen. The found me on route and decided to take me out to dinner. With the threat of fisticuffs by Uncle Roy I stood down and let them pay for my pasta and beer feast. The only thing wrong with the entire visit was that it was far too short. I can never see enough of these two great and interesting relatives. (Note to self: must get back here with Chris sometime soon!)

Uncle Roy and Aunt Karen, So Long for Now

2 Replies to “Into the Slipstream & A Great Visit”

  1. So glad you had a chance to meet with hose two dear people.
    Yes, I would love to see them again too.

  2. I’m so happy for you Bob that you are doing this amazing journey. I’m praying for your safe return!