Prada in the Middle of Nada

March 25, 2018

Deceptive Storefront

I can’t be quite sure what is happening to the economy in this part of the country. Either it is on its way back from a deep decline or it is down and striking for rock bottom. It seems every small town is just a single soul away from becoming a ghost town. Some are far healthier than others but all are looking quite shop worn. Each is interesting in its own way and the people you meet are friendly and eager to offer whatever assistance they can. Judging by the people alone, these communities are on their way up.

Pete’s Birthday on the Road
Yard art Texas Style
The Open Range

We started today with a birthday. Pete, turned the calendar page to another year on this planet and there was a cake, balloon and many well wishes to celebrate. Afterwards we were off on another jaunt over a lot of road with no services anticipated until the town of Marfa, 75 miles away. The scenery was much the same as we have been looking at the past few days but along the way was some interesting roadside art. First were some metal sculptures in a front yard which seemed right at home in Texas. However, the next installation was completely out of place. Somewhere between Van Horn and Marfa, Texas, in an area best known for its complete and utter desolation, you will find rising from the dust and tumbleweeds, Prada. Complete with display windows and merchandise this non operational store front is there solely to make an artistic statement. What that statement is I can only guess but to me it spoke, Prada in the middle of nada.

Prada ~ Nada