Through the Mountains to Granada

October 23, 2021

Today was to be one of longest with a lot of elevation ups and downs. We would start to climb right from the start only to come down out of the hills for a stretch and later, go right back up again. Most of us were up to the task and we were counting on a hardy breakfast to fuel the trip. Disappointment reigned at the breakfast table with the skimpiest breakfast yet offered on this trip. Nonetheless we were off to an early start hoping to complete this more difficult day at a reasonable hour.

Since Spain had upgraded what would have been a decent bicycle route into a superhighway we had to find some roads less traveled. Some of these roads were not much more than rough farm roads where the potholes crowded out the pavement. Some were worse. Still, the scenery was top shelf and we enjoyed this ride through the mountains and farmlands with plenty to see and even a mobile herd of lambs to share the road with.

The road up
The road down

Out last climb was the longest but also the most scenic going through sandstone canyons to the summit and following an almost entirely downhill route for thirty kilometers into Granada. Our totals on the day were 133 kilometers of cycling and nearly 2000 meters of uphill leg work. Overall a good day and a nice ride through some first class cycling country.