Author: bobpeltzer

Rolling On To Barcelona

October 10, 2021

Torre de Arara city gate

As rides go it was not the most scenic. We started out, as usual, with a fairly long climb to get over the hills from Tossa de Mar. From there our route zigzagged through some coastal towns and always seeming to find the steepest hill just around a blind corner. Steep hills can be managed if you shift into a lower gear ahead of the climb; however, if you try to shift while your chain and derailleur are under stress it does not go well. A few of us had to circle a bit to get into the correct gear before continuing.

This Su

town had something going on. One had a bit of a traffic jam caused by vehicles getting into a parking lot for what looked like a large flea market. The roads also appeared busier than I would have expected for a more typical Sunday in October.

Recreational bicyclists were just about everywhere in ones, twos and even a group of 20 or so weekend road warriors that I let go by me through a narrow construction zone on a busy highway. From the honking horns that sounded as they crowded the cars also trying to get through, I would say the motorists were finding their normally obliging attitude towards cyclists being tested. I waited for them to pass through before going through myself and experienced no hoking or expletives hurled my way.


On one quite, rural stretch I passed an interesting church which upon closer inspection had a historical information plaque posted outside. The church was built sometime in the 11th century and is known as Sant Vicene de Tordera. The sign did not say much about the church other than when it was built and that it is now privately owned. There was a photo of the interior which I have copied and posted.

Torre de Arara the city wall
Torre de Arara narrow streets

The most interesting town we rode through this day had to be Torre de Arara . It is another ancient walled city guarded by a castle on a hill within its walls. The castle, Castell d’ Hostalrich, is open to the public but as there are plenty of castles to see across Spain and I had a two day rest coming up I decided to pass on by. However, it is interesting to note that the hill the castle sits upon is cone of a dormant volcano. It is possible that the builders strategized that if attacked they would surrender the castle and pray for a miracle to smite their enemy.

The Ups and Downs in Spain

October 9, 2021

Porto Cristo

We left Porto Cristo at sea level for another climb into the foothills of the Pyrenees mountains. It was a challenging start to our day with zero warm up time before hitting the steep, eight kilometer climb to around 800 meters (app 2500 feet) above sea level. Along the way was a monastery that appeared to still be active. I met another cyclist who offered a description of what the brothers were up to.

The Famous Monetary

He said the monastery was known as El Mondesto de Crispo and it was in charge of Friar Patata. He went on to explain that they were famous across Europe for their ultra thin and salty potato crisps that the brothers produce and sell across the continent. In fact, they are know across Europe as the Fritas Monje. I asked him what that was in English and he grinned and said, Chip Monks. As he rode away I hit him in the head with a large rock. He made a spectacular sight as he tumbled down the mountainside.

A Valley in Catalonia
Yes, this is an apple orchard!

Coming down out of the foothills we entered a wide valley where at first, I thought they were growing more grapes. However, upon closer inspection they were apple orchards grown in vine like fashion and heavy with fruit ripe to pick. After the previous paragraph you may not accept my word for this but take a close look at the photograph. They are indeed apples and it seems to be a very efficient way to grow and harvest them. There is also a system of aqueducts that run along the roadway to irrigate the farmland in this area. They appear to be made of concrete and they were not made recently. Never the less, they function well and the farm lands serviced by they seem quite productive.

Aqueduct in Catalonia

Our day finished with a scenic cliff side ride along the coast that required numerous climbs and glides. Fortunately, the climbs, while numerous, were gradual and easily managed by our well tuned climbing muscles. The views were great and even though we had seen similar views before, it was candy to our eyes and it made the task of getting over the hills far more pleasant.

Climbing Our Way to Spain

October 8, 2021

Jean Marc capturing the summit.

A recreation of a privative French fishing village

You might wonder how we could climb over 2000 meters (6000 feet) on our way from coastal France to coastal Spain but we found a way to do it. We started and ended our day at sea level but in between we saw some hills. Specifically, the foothills of the Pyrenees Mountains that run all the way to the coast of the Mediterranean Sea in this area. Our first 40 kilometers were fairly level following the sandy coast of France and taking the occasional route along a canal to avoid the busier roads. Aside from other bicyclists, walking tourists and the occasional fisherman, the traffic was light.

Everywhere is wine country

However, as we traveled along the coast, the mountains drew closer and our road began to climb. Had we stayed on the main route there were some long tunnels that cut through the mountains but most of us decided to follow the far more difficult and possibly safer route up into the foothills. This required us to do some serious climbing with our first assent being nearly 1000 meters (3000 feet) rising from the sea and an optional, additional climb to a medieval watchtower that was now re-purposed as an antenna farm. A hardy few of us elected to make this quite steep, optional climb and the view and bragging rights from the top were worth it, even if my legs regretted it by the end of the ride.

Jean Marc and me posing for proof of our climb
The view from the top

From the watchtower you can see the entire countryside for hundreds of miles. Along the way to the top it appears every hillside, no matter how steep, that has enough soil to support vineyards apparently has them. Every turn brought another breathtaking vista making the work of getting there seem less difficult. The ride down was fast and our brakes screamed at us as we hit them hard coming into the hairpin turns.

  • After another great TdA supplied lunch it was back into our saddles for more climbs and falls as we worked our way over the ridges along the coast and entering Spain. There was no one to check us at the border and from the graffiti painted all over the border crossing stations it appeared no one had bothered to check anyone in years. A few more ups and down brought us to Porto Cristo in the Catalonia region of Spain and a comfortable hotel for the evening.
The Spanish coast

Another Day, With Oysters

October 7, 2021

The ever present wind prevailed at gale force as we left the seaside town of Valras Plage. For the most part they were crosswinds but for a few grueling stretches they were headwinds that would almost stop you cold in your tracks if you did not pedal constantly. The mix of seaside resort tacky and natural seaside beauty more than compensated for the inconvenient wind.

Riding on the towpath
Sea and Canal

Our route occasionally took us inland to go around the large estuaries and wetlands along the coast. Gunshots from hunters of feral pigs and waterfowl punctuated the howling wind in places. Once we turned out of the wind we were treated to an easy glide along a canal towpath that has been re-purposed into a spectacularly beautiful bicycle route. At one point only the narrow path itself separated the Mediterranean from the canal. This section of France seems to have been a transportation network of canals that are still used today for mainly recreational or tourism travel.

The towpath was somewhat rough but no problem for our mix of road and gravel tires. However, near the end of the canal there was pavement that seemed to be where the commune stockpiled all of their potholes for convenient access. I think it was somewhere along this stretch that my flashing headlight decided it wanted take up residence. At least it seemed the most likely place given the bone jarring quality of the roadway.

After lunch it was mostly tailwinds all the way to the next village where there were extensive oyster farms and a series of establishments serving the salty produce in all its wonderful forms. My riding partner, Lee and I elected to sample a plate of the raw variety along with a cold glass of white wine to accent the flavor. Having grown up on the Chesapeake Bay and eaten raw oysters all my life I have high standards for the salty bivalves. My rating for this southern French product: Five out of five stars.

A few more wind assisted kilometers took us to the end of this second easy day in a row and to a nice room and a cold beer. Tomorrow it is back into the heavy duty climbs as we hit the hills.

Back to la Mare

October 5 & 6, 2021

The coast without development.

I did not write a blog for our rest day in Montpelier. It was a rest day and after the hard ride the day before, I wanted a rest. It was a day for laundry, resting and the Search for Sock. Unfortunately, my only cold weather wool sock decided that it wanted a divorce while visiting the laundry. I asked around about her but no one seemed to know if she had hooked up with anyone else. Instead, I rebounded quickly by purchasing another pair at Decathlon, a well known multi-national, seller of socks and other stuff. I left the now unmatched spouse to sulk alone in my clothing bag. However, my wandering sock seemed to have second thoughts about leaving her mate and was reunited the morning of our departure just in time to catch a ride with me before leaving Montpelier.

Montpelier is quite a pretty city and I would not be doing it justice without sharing a few pictures before leaving the subject. After all, it is far more than just a place for socks to find themselves.

A city of many fountains

Leaving Montpelier we headed towards the sea and followed it for quite some distance along some great bicycle paths. The wind continued to be a nuisance by staying at gale force but mostly as a cross wind. Occasionally our route turned into it but the lack of a driving rain and the presence of strong sunshine made the day quite enjoyable. Seabirds and pink flamingos were occasionally seen as we rode along.

We ate lunch alongside the Midi Canal and watched a leisure boat with bicycles on board pass by. A short distance away a number of leisure craft and other canal boats were moored. It is a relaxed way to travel. Following the canal makes for a flat ride and it was nice to be able to enjoy the scenery free of any vehicle worries.

Our stay this evening is in the resort town of Valras Plage. It reminds me of some places along the east coast of the USA during the off season. More restaurants are open and more people seem to be around but the atmosphere is definitely relaxed. A good place to end a fairly easy day.

The draw bridge in Sete.
Just me posing for a selfie to prove I am really here
La Mare at Valras Plage

An Easy Day Made Hard

October 4, 2021

Luma a work of art and architecture in Arles, Fr.

It should have been a fairly easy day. We had 127 kilometers to ride but the terrain was nearly flat. There should have been plenty of time to soak in the scenery. Instead, the day began with a pounding rain and the only thing soaked in was our bodies. Even with full rain gear the cross and head winds managed to drive the moisture into everything.

My day started with a navigation malfunction that left me without voice prompts from my phone. Normally this would have been a minor inconvenience but the rain made my glasses useless and the dim daylight made it hard to see my map. I finally had to find a dry place to stop and reset everything to get back on track. Then my gear cable broke.

While I had overhauled every component on my bike before the trip, the weak link in the chain was a new derailleur cable from China. Due to Covid there was not much choice in some bike components and this one managed to pop off the little nub that attaches the cable to the shift lever. Fortunately, I carry spares and the tools to replace them. Even more fortunately the rain had stopped and I only had a cold wind to contend with while doing the job. Twenty minutes later I was was back on course and looking forward to lunch.

Barge on Rhone a Sete Cana;

The hardest part of the day came after lunch when we turned from having a cross wind into a five kilometer long section directly into a gale force headwind. If any rider said that they enjoyed that part of the journey they had to be fibbing or on medication. However, after that section we made an abrupt turn to travel along the Rhone a Sete canal and the wind, while still strong was not as much a problem. The canal had its charms with a barge making its slow progress past us and further on a few towns along the canal with some interesting canal boats moored to the shoreline. If the day had been nicer and our bodies less chilled we may have stopped to explore.

Upon reaching the Mediterranean once again we traveled along a maze of bike paths and over some rough paving slabs for a few kilometers before reaching some smoother surfaces for the last leg of our 127 kilometer journey. Wet, chilled and sore we quickly secured our bikes and headed for a warming shower. Tomorrow, there will be laundry.

A Downer of a Day But That Was a Good Thing

October 3, 2021

Windmill in Provence

We left our beautiful resort in the hills of Provence with a threat of rain over our shoulder. Fortunately and despite a threatening start, the clouds evaporated and we had a sunny day for our mostly downhill ride to our next destination. It was a well needed break after yesterday’s uphill grind. As I say, for every uphill there is an equal and opposite downhill. (most of the time)

Coming out of the first village was a restored windmill worthy of Don Quixote’s tilting efforts. Everyone stopped for a photo and I suspected that such a photo would be mandatory so I made sure I took one as well. It was postcard picturesque.

Being passed for the fourth time.

The rest of the ride was fast and entertaining. I am not either the fastest or slowest rider in the group. I just ride at my own pace and if someone else rides along that is cool and if I get dropped, that is cool as well. Today there was a group that was quite fast. In fact, they passed me four times. You might wonder how this happened as we are not on a circular course. The answer lies in making the correct turns. I am no genius at navigation. If you want an example, read yesterday’s blog where I provided entertainment to some village folks. However, today I was spot on and my friends not so much. I was entertained to see them reappear in my mirror from time to time.

However, no matter how we get there we all wind up at the same place. A roof over our heat, a cold beverage available for purchase and a great meal to be served. Life is good.

Provence farm country

Tough Climbing into Provence

October 2, 2021

The village of Tourtour

We left Nice and the French Rivera this morning for the long climb into the mountains that define the difference between the Rivera and Provence. The climb was one of the toughest I have done and made tougher by some of the bypasses Gergo routed in order to avoid a busier road. However, it was a Saturday and the roads were not that busy and because it was Saturday the smaller, narrow bypass roads actually had more. Overall we climbed over 1800 meters (6000 feet) during our 131 kilometer ride.

Not the town in the paragraph

There was a little mountainside village that I spent some time in after lunch. Unfortunately, it was not by choice but they did have a lovely café that I wished had occupied my time instead of what did. The village is the connecting point for 5 different roads. My GPS was malfunctioning a bit earlier and I was not fully confident in the information it was providing. Both it and Ride With GPS on my cell phone would inform me that I was off course no matter which road I took. The real road was actually a very narrow alleyway that was partially blocked by construction. The first three times through town I only received some stares from the men near the traffic circle. The fourth time they chuckled. The fifth time they laughed out loud as I rode through once again. To avoid total embarrassment I decided to squeeze past the construction barrier, carry my bike over a step and around a curb and into the steep, uphill alley. I was rewarded with a chime from both navigation devices telling me that I was back on course!

The Monastery du Notre Dame
Is it bored or surprised?

Plenty of sights along the way from an old monastery to some sort of art gallery with large sculpted heads in their yard. The ups and downs of today’s ride also provided an ever changing landscape as we climbed and descended the many hills.

The rest of the ride was more of the same; big climbs and fast downhill runs all the way to the beautiful hotel nestled into the alpine hills of Provence. The scenery along the way was fantastic, as it has been this entire tour. I arrive tired and thirsty both conditions easily resolved with a shower and a few cold drinks.

Two Nice: Nice, France, Day 2

October 1, 2021

The Friday market

Our second day in Nice was a rest day. I’m not sure we really needed one but due to the truncated nature of this tour, we had one anyway. There are worse places to spend a day then Nice. After breakfast at the hotel I set off to explore. First, was a surprise farmer’s market set up for a number of blocks along the main thoroughfare. This was not just a couple of fruit stand and someone selling jams in a jar. This was a full on buy your fresh groceries here kind of market. Everything from fruits to vegetables to fresh cut flowers on display and looking good. It is a shame that I just ate breakfast or I would have been tempted to browse my way from stall to stand.

From the market I marched off for the 40 minute uphill walk to the Henri Matisse Museum. Matisse spent much of his life in Nice and the museum has one of the largest collections of his works in the world. Along with his paintings, sculptures and other creations are a collection of works from his contemporaries. Henri’s son, Pierre was an art dealer in New York who greatly influenced the Modern Art Movement and the museum also features some of the artists who’s work he collected. It was well worth the 10 Euro admission to see this fantastic collection.

The museum is located in the Cimiez area of the city and where a Roman settlement once stood. On the museum grounds is an extensive archaeological dig that is still uncovering the ancient coliseum and baths that once stood there. This settlement dates back

Where art and archaeology meet.

to the year 1 AD and was a staging area for Roman troops before becoming a regional capital for the empire. The coliseum has been mostly excavated and standing inside you can get a feel for how gladiators, Christian martyrs and other combatants viewed the 4000 or so spectators there to cheer for victory or death. As Roman coliseums go it is one of the smaller ones but that would only mean that all those gathered to watch the carnage had excellent seats. Hope they remembered to bring along a towel.

From the coliseum I headed down to the French Rivera for some time to relax with a glass of local draft. The breeze was cooling, the scenery great and beer cold.

From Sea to Sky, That’s Nice

September 30, 2021

The Rivera
Perfect for active transportation
Over a mile of bike tunnel

We left our hillside bicycle resort in Imperia, Italy for a 96 kilometer ride into France and the city of Nice. Along the way we continued to skirt the beaches of the Italian and French Rivieras. Once nice stretch of around 20 kilometers was over a well maintained bike and pedestrian pathway connecting a few of the resort towns. It was great to ride without worrying about motor vehicles. These pathways follow what may have been discontinued auto routes and the communities along the way have maintained the tunnels formerly used to cut through the rocky cliffs along the way. One tunnel was 1800 meters long, well lit and decorated with banners extolling the achievements of bicycle racers. The entire route seemed busy, even on a Thursday in September. Cyclists, walkers, joggers and active commuters alike seemed to gravitate to this safe recreational and transportation corridor.

Sandy beach along the Rivera
Monte Carlo

The first two thirds of today were fairly flat on the bike path and seaside roads. However, our tour director and route planner, Gergo had arranged one of his “more interesting” routes for the last leg around Monte Carlo and into Nice. Crossing the border into France was a non-event with no one interested in seeing our passports or even bothering to ask us to stop. Shortly thereafter we left the coastal road for a route that bent and curved its way upwards following the contours of the high, rocky hills along the coast. The climb was mostly but not totally gradual and seemingly without end as we rose higher and higher above the Mediterranean and around the city of Monte Carlo. Three quarters of the way to the summit we had our lunch break by the side of the road and then back into the grind to the top. Panoramic vistas along the way kept spirits high and made the climb enjoyable.

As we neared the top Gergo had added a special treat, one extra climb through a nature preserve. From my viewpoint the only nature being preserved were some trees. Trees that blocked any potential scenic view from top. On the downward side, the rough, steep and narrow roadway required hard and almost constant pressure on our brake levers to slow our descent around the hairpin turns. The roadway outside of the preserve offered a longer and more gradual way down but having enjoyed all that the nature preserve failed to offer we had to endure the more rugged route.

Eventually we emerged from the mountainside onto the busy streets of Nice and the zig-zag route through town to our hotel. Tomorrow is a day to explore Nice before getting back into some serious climbing.

Near the top of the climb